Ambassador of Entertainment Kao Denero Seeks Strategic Partnership with The Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs

My team and I at the Office of the Ambassador of Entertainment held a successful meeting with the Honorable Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs and the Permanent Secretary yesterday to strategize long-term tourism campaigns and partnerships. The focus of the meeting was on leveraging the talents in comedy, fashion, and music to promote Sierra Leone’s content and rich cultural heritage.

The discussion brought forward the need for rebranding to boost awareness of the country’s untapped tourist potential. The Honorable Minister, the Permanent Secretary, my team, and I exchanged innovative ideas, emphasizing collaboration with the private sector to invest in tourism and entertainment. Plans were unveiled to encourage hotels to offer bundled services with airlines, aiming to attract more tourists to Sierra Leone.

Addressing public health concerns, we explored initiatives to combat the high malaria rate in the country. Also, efforts to entice Sierra Leonean diasporas, especially those linked with the trans-Atlantic slave trade, were discussed.

Going forward, the meeting stressed the importance of empowering local content by enforcing the presence of Sierra Leonean music on various platforms such as radios, restaurants, hotels, and airlines. Most importantly, the Hon. Minister who was very impressed with my collaborative and productive moves proposed the possibility of establishing an entertainment commission to further enhance and regulate the entertainment sector – a dream upheld by all entertainers across the country.

On behalf of the Entertainment Industry, my team and I presented to the Hon. Minister and her team the comprehensive report on the National Entertainment Dialogue Conference which contains the challenges, and recommendations made during the conference.

Accordingly, decision on a major launching event to kickstart these initiatives scheduled for February is pending.

This collaborative effort between the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs and the Office of the Ambassador of Entertainment signifies a bold step towards boosting Sierra Leone’s tourism and creative art industry, promising a brighter future for the nation’s cultural and economic landscape.

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