Accused Still on Trial Despite Bail on Medical Grounds Says Attorney-general and Minister of Justice Mohamed Lamin Tarawaley.


Friday 19th January 2024.

As the trial proceedings progresses, Sierra Leone’s Attorney General and Minister of Justice Mohamed Lamin Tarawaley solidly informed pressmen about the ongoing trail of the failed November 26th 2023 failed coup.

The AG provided factual information about the ongoing trail and on the ground on which the court granted former President Koroma medical bill to seek expert medical attention in Nigeria. He stated that the government does not in any way influenced the decision of the judge to grant EBK a medical bill.

He further stated that, when the State Council Lawyers presented their case of argument for the court not to granted him bail, the judge categorically stated that the accused applicant (EBK) is still facing trial, and that the charges against him still remain whilst he is seeking medical treatment.

The AG further gave additional information that, those armed men who are facing court martial have eighty-eight count charges and that the court is trailing to expedite those cases. He also said the state has also provided them lawyers through legal aid board to ensure that they provide fair trials.

He concluded that, former President Koroma is expected to appear before the court on the 6th March,2024. and that the government will continue to be transparent and accountable through out this process and allow the rule of law to prevail without interference.


Socialist Thullah

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